sábado, 24 de octubre de 2015

News from us and tips

If you need to see  bigger the  pictures in this blog you only have to   right click over it  and done :D

Soon we will open a group in inworld to enjoy the best of  the SL and  share tips etc. Stay tuned. Happy hunt.......

If you have something to say about our posts  or tips to share of awesome  sims, dollarbies or freebies please write or leave here your r feedback . WE can have fun together.

Please dont forget  give us a google +1 thanks!!!!!!!!!

See you soon . Syl

Good goups gifts for guys and ladies

Two good goups gifts to men and ladies  mesh, yay! ..... You dont need join to any group, just  touch and get them and  enjoy!!!!

Your Taxi 


A fun gift from PlayFullMesh

Remember this guy ? lol. Its free and have some fun with your friends , walk arund of this store , it has original items....

Your taxi to go there :


For limited time all items for L$1 to L$50 store MB Closet in marketplace post Syl

The link to you check the items  on marketplace :


My  apologize to you because I did not have time to take a pic  of my new dress that i did buy there , you know RL....
But  take a look .......... good items and the prices are not so bad . :D SYl